In a future where people stop aging at 25, but are engineered to live only one more year, having the means to buy your way out of the situation is a shot at immortal youth. Here, Will Salas finds himself accused of murder and on the run with a hostage - a connection that becomes an important part of the way against the system.
menonton cite ini.. buat aku terfikir idea baru dalam Novel The Suluken aku... ada elemen baru...dan aku fikir ia bagus digunapakai untuk sistem Cloudcity PA. nice movie...u should watch this!....
Fikirkan... setiap hari anda bangun tidur, mandi, makan minum, berjalan ke tempat kerja, balik rumah, tengok tv, makan dll... tidur semula.... apa makna semua itu??? apakah anda mahu terus terpenjara dengan rutin hidup anda ini???