Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... rupanya ada Spellbinder part 2.... alahai susahnya kalau tak duduk kat australia... kalau aku ada kawan kat sana kan best... boleh dapat supply... hmmm.. aku rasa Oshu Muhammad boleh bantu aku... hehehee....!
Following the internationally acclaimed, award-winning Spellbinder series, Spellbinder 2 - The Land of the Dragon Lord is a children's fantasy adventure which follows the journey of a brother and sister lost within parallel worlds. The Land of the Dragon Lord is a world of illusion, romance and danger, ruled by a 12 year old boy whose magical powers are generated by a vast and ancient computer. When Ashka, the ruthless and power-hungry villain from Spellbinder I arrives, a thrilling adventure ensues, crossing the boundaries of many dangerous and frightening parallel worlds as Josh and Kathy race against time to rescue their family and save the Land of the Dragon Lord. As they struggle to survive, they discover that everyone can achieve remarkable things when circumstances demand it.
akhirnya Spellbinder Ashka juga yang berkuasa semula!!!
hehehehehe... memang hebat pompuan sekor ni ya...