Isnin, 15 Disember 2014


Mekah al-Mukarammah merupakan kota tertua dunia dan tempat permulaan Islam. Allah SWT menyebut dalam Al Quran tentang Mekah. Terdapat tujuh nama lain Mekah dalam Al Quran.

1. MAKKAH, sebagaimana firman Allah SWT, “Dan Dia­lah yang mencegah tangan mereka dari (membinasakan) kamu dan mencegah tangan kamu dari (membinasakan) mereka di tengah kota Makkah. Setelah Allah memenangkan kamu atas mereka.” (Al-Fath [48]: 24).

2. BAKKAH, Allah SWT berfirman, “Sesung­guhnya rumah ibadah pertama yang dibangunkan untuk manusia ialah Baitullah di Bakkah, yang diberkahi dan menjadi petunjuk bagi seluruh alam.” (Ali Imran [3]: 96).

3. UMM AL-QURA, firman Allah SWT, “Dan ini (Al Quran) adalah kitab yang telah Kami turunkan yang diberkahi; membenarkan kitab-kitab yang (diturunkan) sebelumnya dan agar kamu memberi peringatan kepada (penduduk) Ummul Qura (Mekah) dan orang-orang yang di luar lingkungannya. Orang-orang yang beriman kepada adanya kehidupan akhirat tentu beriman kepadanya (Al Quran) dan mereka selalu memelihara sembahyangnya.” (Al-An‘am [6]: 92).

4. AL-BALAD, seperti firman Allah SWT, “Aku bersumpah dengan negeri ini (al-balad. Makkah) dan engkau (Muhammad) bertempat di negeri ini (al-balad. Makkah).” (Al-Balad [90]: 1-2).

5. AL-BALDAH, sebagaimana tersurat dalam firman Allah SWT, “Aku (Mu­hammad) hanya diperintahkan menyembah Tuhan negeri ini (al-baldah, Makkah) yang telah Dia sucikan.” (Al-Naml [27]: 91).

6. AL-BALAD AL-AMIN, Allah SWT berfirman, “Demi buah Tin dan buah Zaitun, demi gunung Sinai, dan demi negeri yang aman ini (al-Balad al-Amin, Makkah).” (Al-Tin [95]: 1-3).

7. AL-BALAD AL-AMININ, sebagaimana tersurat dalam firman Allah Swt, “Dan ingatlah ketika Ibrahim berdoa, “Ya Tuhanku, jadikanlah negeri (Makkah) ini negeri yang aman (al-Balad al-Aminin).” (Al-Baqarah [2]: 126).

Q.S. AR-RA’D 13 : 28-30 ???

Berfirman :
"(Iaitu) orang-orang yang beriman dan tenang tenteram hati mereka dengan zikrullah". Ketahuilah dengan "zikrullah" itu, tenang tenteramlah hati manusia. Orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh, beroleh kebahagiaan yang amat mengembirakan dan tempat kembali yang sebaik-baiknya. Demikianlah, Kami utuskan engkau (wahai Muhammad) kepada satu umat yang telah lalu sebelumnya beberapa umat yang lain, supaya engkau membacakan kepada mereka Al-Quran yang Kami wahyukan kepadamu, sedang mereka kufur kepada (Allah) Ar-Rahman Katakanlah: "Dia lah Tuhanku, tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia. KepadaNyalah aku berserah diri, dan kepadaNyalah tempat kembaliku (dan kamu semuanya).”
[ Q.S. AR-RA’D 13 : 28-30 ]
Bersabda :
“Ada tiga hal yang barang siapa mengamalkannya, maka ia dapat menemukan manisnya iman, yaitu orang yang lebih mencintai ALLAH dan Rasul-Nya daripada yang lain, mencintai orang lain hanya karena ALLAH, tidak suka kembali ke dalam kekufuran (setelah ALLAH menyelamatkannya) sebagaimana ia tidak suka dilemparkan ke dalam Neraka.”
Daripada Anas R.A
[ H.R.S : Imam Muslim Rh. A. ]


All types of perfect praise belong to Allah alone The Lord of all the worlds Most Gracious, Ever Merciful Master of the Day of Judgement Thee alone do we worship and Thee alone do we implore for help Guide us along the straight path-the path of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy favours, those who have not incurred Thy displeasure and those who have not gone astry
is He save whom none is worthy of worship, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining. Slumber seizes Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the Heaven and whatsoever in the earth. Who is he that dareintercede with Him, except by his permission? He knows all that is before them and all that is behind them, and they cannot compass aughtof His knowledge, except that which He please. His knowledge extends over the heavens and the earth, and the care of them wearis Him not. He is the Most High, the Most Great
The Messenger
has full faith in that which has been sent down to him from his Lord and so have the believers: all of them believe in Allah, and His angels, and in His Books and in His Messengers, affirming : we make no distinction between any of of His Messengers; we have heard Allah’s command and we have submitted ourselves wholly to Him.They supplicate: We implore Thy forgiveness, Lord, and to Thee is our return.Allah requires not of any one that which is beyond his capacity; each shall have the benefit of the good he does and shall suffer the consequences of the ill he works. Supplicate, therefore: Lord, take us not to task if we forget or fall into error; Lord place us not under responsibility in the manner of those whom Thou didst place under responsibility before us; Lord, burden us not with that which we have not strength to bear; overlook our defaults and grant us forgiveness and have mercy on us; Thou art our master, so grant us succour against those who reject thee.

“Surely, We ourself have sent down this Exhortation, We will, most surely, safeguard it.” (Al-Hijr : 9)

“I Perfected your religion for your benefit, and have completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you Islam as your faith.”(Al-Maidah :3)
We not expanded thee thy breast?. And removed from thee thy burden. The which
did gall thy back? And raised high the esteem (in which) thou (art held)? So,
verily, with every difficulty, there is relief. Verily, with every difficulty
there is relief. Therefore, when thou art free (from thine immediate task),
still labour hard, And to thy Lord turn
(all) thy attention.”

Proclaim: He is Allah, the Single; Allah, the Self-Existing and Besought of all. He begets not, nor is He begotten; and there is none equal to Him in His attributes(Al-ikhlash)

Proclaim: I seek the protection of the Lord of the break of dawn, from the mischief of every created thing, from the mischief of the darkness when the moon is eclipsed, from the mischief of those who seek to promote discord, and from the mischief of every persistently envious person.(al-Falaq)Proclaim: I seek the protection of the Lord of mankind, the King of mankind, the God of mankind, against the mischief of every sneaking whisperer, who whispers into the mind of people, whether he (Jin)behidden from sight or be one of the common people.(an-Naas)

Proclaim : Hearken ye who disbelieve! ! I don not worship as you worship, nor do you worship as I worship. I do not worship those that you worship, nor do you worship Him Whom I worship; that is because you follow one faith and I follow another faith.(Al-Kaafiruun)