Khamis, 17 Februari 2011


More explaining from Al quran and Islam,

The expansion of the Universe is the most imposing discovery of
modern science. Today it is a firmly established concept and the only
debate centres around the way this is taking place.
It was first suggested by the general theory of relativity and is
backed up by physics in the examination of the galactic spectrum; the
regular movement towards the red section of their spectrum may be
explained by the distancing of one galaxy from another. Thus the size
of the Universe is probably constantly increasing and this increase
will become bigger the further away the galaxies are from us. The
speeds at which these celestial bodies are moving may, in the course
of this perpetual expansion, go from fractions of the speed of light
to speeds faster than this.
The following verse of the Qur'an (sura 51, verse 47) where God is
speaking, may perhaps be compared with modern ideas: "The heaven, We
have built it with power. Verily. We are expanding it."
'Heaven' is the translation of the word sama' and this is exactly the
extra-terrestrial world that is meant.
'We are expanding it' is the translation of the plural present
participle musi'una of the verb ausa'a meaning 'to make wider,
more spacious, to extend, to expand'.
Ramidullah in his translation
of the Qur'an talks of the widening of the heavens and space, but he
includes a question mark. There are those who arm themselves with
authorized scientific opinion in their commentaries and give the
meaning stated here. This is true in the case of the Muntakab, a book
of commentaries edited by the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs,
Cairo. It refers to the expansion of the Universe in totally
unambiguous terms.

Why there are only 9 planets only in solar's system? I will later
this matter. According to Ibnu Kasir 's explanation in page 468 there
is an excerpt of question of Israelite person about names of 11
kawakib (planet) to Rasulullah That was called in Al Quran. Those
names are:

1. Jaryan ( Mercury / ' Athorid ? )
2. Ath Thoriq ( Venus / Zuhrah ? )
3. Al Ardh (Earth)
4. Adz Dzaiyal ( Mars / Al Qohir ? )
5. Dzul Kanafat ( Jupiter ? )
6. Qobas ( Saturn ? )
7. Wasab ( Uranus ?)
8. 'Umudan ( Neptune ? )
9. Al Faliq ( Pluto ? )
10. Al Mishbah ( X ? )
11. Adh Dhoruh ( Z ? )
12. Dzul Farigh ( Muntaha ? )

In Al Ma'arij of ayah 4 " Angel and Jibril rise to God 50 THOUSAND
years in day that its rate is ". How With 1 day 1000 years = in fact
is also 1 day 50,000 years? What is your interpretation? Actually it
is same only proportion according to specific scale that is if we
take 1 day as 24 hours then the division every hour from 1000 and
50,000 years is like below:-

1 hour = 41.66666667 years = 2,083.3333333 years
2 hours = 83.33333333 = 4 , 166.6666667
3 hours = 125 = 6,250
4 hours = 166.66666667 = 8 , 333.333333
5 hours = 208.33333333 = 10 , 416.666667
6 hours = 250 = 12,500
7 hours = 291.66666667 = 14 , 583.33333
8 hours = 333.33333333 = 16 , 666.666667
9 hours = 375 = 18,750
10 hours = 416.66666667 = 20 , 833.333333
11 hours = 458.33333333 = 22 , 916.666667
12 hours = 500 = 25,000
And so on to the 24th time = 1000 th. = 50,000 years

so on the truth out in the universal from Al quran (Koran)


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