Isnin, 8 November 2010


Merlin is a British fantasy-adventure television series developed by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Julian Murphy and Johnny Capps. It began its broadcast on the channel BBC One on 20 September 2008. The series is based on the Arthurian legends of the mythical wizard Merlin and his relationship with Prince Arthur, but differs from traditional versions of the legend in many ways, especially the characters. It is produced by independent production company Shine Limited. After a successful first season, American broadcaster NBC began airing the programme on 21 June 2009, but after a decline in viewership, was moved to the cable network Syfy, where it began broadcast of the second season on 2 April 2010. The second season began airing on 19 September 2009 on BBC One.[2] On 5 September 2010, BFI Southbank in London previewed the first two episodes of the third season for its September Film Funday programme.[3]

The concept for Merlin was influenced by the American show Smallville, about the early years of Superman.[4] After many failed attempts to bring the programme to life,[4][5] development of the current Merlin began in late 2006,[5] with physical production beginning in March 2008.[6] The series received generally mixed reception when it began its broadcast. Critics were upset with the flat dialogue[7] and the modern look to the series.[8] One critic, in particular, called the whole concept "bland".[9] The series première drew an overnight average of 6.65 million viewers in the 19:00 slot, a final consolidated figure of 7.15 million, despite being scheduled against popular ITV series The X Factor.[10] The first series as a whole had an average of 6.32 million viewers,[11] which is fewer than Doctor Who attracted during its first series, and slightly more than those received by Robin Hood.[12] Merlin was also the fifth most watched programme on BBC iPlayer in 2008.[13] The third series of Merlin began on 11 September 2010,[14][15] with a fourth season confirmed on 25 October 2010.[16]

Merlin is a young sorceror who arrives at the city of Camelot, after his mother arranges for him to stay with Gaius, the court physician. He discovers that the king, Uther Pendragon, has outlawed magic and has imprisoned the last great dragon deep under the city. The dragon informs Merlin that he has an important destiny to protect Uther's son, Arthur, who will bring forth a great Kingdom. When he meets Arthur for the first time he believes that he is arrogant and Arthur views Merlin as subservient, as Merlin has to keep his magic a secret or face execution at the hands of Uther.

Morgana is Uther's ward and daughter with the power of prophetic foresight, which frightens her and which she keeps secret. Guinevere, whom she calls "Gwen", is her maid servant and close friend. The first series focused on the development of Merlin and his friendship with Arthur. The second series focuses more on development of the other cast members. Some of the central themes of the series are the budding romance between Arthur and Gwen and Morgana's struggle to control her powers, the latter eventually being corrupted by evil due to Uther's actions.

Other characters from Arthurian legend have also appeared. Lancelot longed to become a knight but was unable to do so because of his birth as a commoner. Mordred has appeared as a Druid boy who formed a bond with Morgana (in the legend he is her nephew), and it has been predicted by the dragon that Mordred will be the cause of death of Arthur (in the legend this occurred at the Battle of Camlann). Mordred and occasionally the Great Dragon refer to Merlin by his Druidic name, Emrys (the Welsh form of Ambrosius); Ambrosius Aurelianus was a historical figure that Geoffrey of Monmouth partially merged with Merlin[citation needed]. Excalibur is an ordinary sword that becomes enchanted by the Great Dragon and is later thrown into a lake (in the legends, this was the sword Nimueh gave to Arthur).

Penulis : menonton sirinya s1-s2... membuatkan aku dapat ilham untuk novel terbaru... watak Merlin sangat aku suka...kerana wajahnya yang weird and sesuai jadi young warlock yang mata bersinar apabila melancarkan sihirnya... heheheheh aku membayangkan apabila aku melancarkan kuasa semulajadi aku, iris mata aku bersinar hijau pula... hehehehehe!- sekarang aku masih menonton season 2...season 1 dah katam!




Selepas Gunung merapi menghamburkan laharnya, kini mungkin giliran Gunung Bulusan di Filipina pula yang bakal meletus... persediaan telah dilakukan oleh pihak kerajaan Filipina bagi menghadapi situasi yang bakal mengancam keselamatan penduduknya. sebelum itu, mari kita lihat fakta2 menarik yang berkaitan dengannya...

Gunung Bulusan ialah sebuah gunung berapi di Pulau Luzon, Filipina yang terletak di daerah Sorsogon di kawasan Bicol (12°46.2' U, 124°03' T), 70 kilometer di Gunung Mayon dan lebih kurang 250 kilometer di selatan ibu negara Manila.

Gunung Bulusan telah dikelaskan oleh ahli volkanologi sebagai sebuah stratovolkano (gunung berapi rencam) yang terletak di dalam sebuah kaldera yang dibentuk sejak dari 40,000 tahun lagi. Tingginya 1,565 meter di atas aras laut, dengan diameter kakinya sebanyak 15 kilometer.

Gunung Bulusan mempunyai empat buah kawah, iaitu:

1.Kawah No. 1, dikenali sebagai Tasik Blackbird, yang 20 meter diameternya dan 15 meter dalamnya;
2.Kawah No. 2 yang berbentuk bujur, dengan saiznya 60 meter x 30 meter dan dalamnya 15 meter;
3.Kawah No. 3 yang diameternya 90 meter dan dalamnya 20 meter;
4.Kawah No. 4 yang terletak berhampiran dengan bahagian timur laut dicipta semasa peletupan pada tahun 1981, dengan sebatang celahan 100 meter panjangnya dan antara 5-8 meter lebarnya di bawah kawah ini;
dan empat buah mata air panas, iaitu Mata Air Panas San Benon, Mata Air Panas Mapaso, Mata Air Panas San Vicente, dan Mata Air Panas Masacrot. Gunung-gunung berapi bersebelahannya termasuk Gunung Homahan, Gunung Binitacan, Gunung Batuan, Gunung Calungalan, Gunung Calaunan, Gunung Tabon-Tabon, Gunung Juban dan Gunung Jormajan.

Gunung Bulusan telah meletup sebanyak 15 kali sejak dari tahun 1886.

Institut Volkanologi dan Seismologi Filipina (Phivolcs) mengisytiharkan Amaran Tingkat 1 pada 19 Mac 2006 selepas ia mencatat pergolakan seismos yang semakin meningkat. Pada 8 Jun 2006, ahli volkanologi mengumumkan Amaran Tingkat 2 (tingkat pergolakan seismos sederhana) selepas Gunung Bulusan meluahkan abu. Kemudian pada 9 Jun, kepulan-kepulan asap yang dikeluarkan memusnahkan sebilangan rumah di bandar Casiguran yang berhampiran, 5 kilometer di utara gunung berapi, dan merebak ke Bandaraya Sorsogon, kira-kira 20 kilometer di utara Gunung Bulusan.

Pada 13 Jun 2006, ahli volkanologi mengumumkan bahawa kawah-kawah yang baru telah dicipta oleh letupan-letupan Gunung Bulusan yang sederhana. Selain daripada kawah-kawah yang baru, dua daripada empat kawah yang lama kelihatan telah bergabung, dengan rekahan dilihat pada kawah di puncak yang terletak di sebelah barat.

Gunung Bulusan umumnya dikenali kerana letupan-letupan freatiknya (letupan didorong wap) yang mengecut. Ia adalah salah satu daripada 22 buah gunung berapi di Filipina yang merupakan sebahagian Lingkaran gunung berapi Pasifik.

apapun...kita nantikan letusannya.... siapa tahu...mungkin ia jadi sejarah terbaru yang melangkaui letusan Merapi... semoga tiada nyawa yang terkorban di sana... berdoalah sama2...