Ahad, 21 November 2010


Wadjit is a Tausug confectionery made from black and white glutinous rice. This bangbang is widely available in most coffee shops and bangbang stalls in Sulu archipelago. Wadjit is a favorite not only by a coffee and tea addict but almost all Tausug irrespective of tribes and places.

I frequently ate wadjit when I was in Zamboanga City, Sulu. As there were times babu’ whom I considered as expert cook, often cook this type of confectionery. I did love to eat wadjit especially if she mixed it with durian and ginger. As Tausug dictum says,” Maig manga in taynga mu hansipak bang kaw makakaun wadjit masarap” which literally means “your ear will remove if you can eat delicious cookery such as wadjit. Honestly a plate of wadjit isn’t enough to a person if it is cook nicely.(Ha ha ha!)

Wadjit is also called as hiyuwal. The term is taken from the attributes of mixing the food while on pan with ladle. It is believed by some Tausug that this delicious bangbang is not good to eat by a child especially them who can’t talk yet. It can cause tongue-tied to a child. There are times if a child is unable to speak well some Tausug would conclude that the child had eaten a wadjit. Though it sounds untrue, the author convinced that the idea wouldn’t have been come to being if it wasn’t happening. However, to believe it is another story to a modern man.

Bangbang wadjit mention here is made from black glutinous rice. But the color itself doesn’t limit the name wadjit. As there are many Tausug also cook wadjit using white glutinous rice then they add food color. Wadjit can also be prepared even without wrapping in banana leaves. Mostly the wadjit, which is selling in food stalls particularly in Sandakan, will just put in a tray. Then it will be cut according to the standard price of bangbang. In Sandakan the price for a wadjit is RM 20 cents. There are also wadjit wrapped with banana leaves sell with the same price.

For this confectionery I picked a recipe from the book “Traditional Cuisines of Sabah” which was written by wives of representatives in Sabah. Their group was known as BAKISA.

Here are the steps to be followed if you want to cook this bangbang.

Ingredients ‘A’:

300 g glutinous rice (Soaked overnight)
4 tbsp water

Ingredients ‘B’:

30 g caster sugar
45 g ‘gula Melaka’/palm sugar
30 g brown sugar
8 pieces screwpine leaves

¼ tspn salt
200 mls thick coconut milk
Banana leaves for wrapping


Steam ingredients ‘A’ over high heat with three pandan leaves. Sprinkle with 4 tablespoons of water after 15 minutes. Continue steaming until rice is cooked. Cook ingredients ‘B’ in a pot tills syrupy. Add in add in cooked glutinous rice and simmer until quite dry. Scoop out and press onto a tray and let cool. Cut to desired shapes and sizes, or wrap in prepared banana leaves.

PENULIS : believe it or not... just try it... Hmmm slurrppp!

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