Selasa, 15 Jun 2010


TEHRAN, Feb. 3 (MNA) - Health Minister Kamran Baqeri Lankarani announced here on Saturday that Iran’s scientists have produced a herbal medicine that helps control the HIV/AIDS virus.

The drug improves the immunity system against the HIV/AIDS virus and can be used besides other anti-retroviral drugs, Baqeri Lankarani said at a ceremony held to introduce the AIDS control medicine and appreciate the medical achievements by Iranian researchers.

The herbal drug called IMOD, is the result of five years of research and has been tested on 200 patients. It boosts the human body’s immunity system in a 90-day treatment course and a 2-year follow up.

“Deficiency of the body’s immune system reflects a decrease in CD4 cells that lead to appearance of AIDS symptoms,” he said, adding that the new drug controls the multiplication of HIV virus and thus helps increasing the CD4 cells.

The herbs used in production of IMOD are completely Iranian native plants, he noted.

Iran is the only country in the region that provides free HIV drugs to the patients, Baqeri Lankarani said.

Iran’s top AIDS expert and Head of the Iranian AIDS Research Center Minoo Mohraz stated in the ceremony, “A medicine that is used for curing AIDS, should be completely secure and reliable,” and this is applied in the new medicine.

“The new medicine’s dose is much smaller than that used in anti-retroviral drugs,” she said, adding that the immunity system of 65 percent of the patients was completely increased in 21 months and there were no noticeable side effects.

“I believe that the drug should be used for HIV patients whose CD4 is below 350, to prevent them from entering the severe level of AIDS,” she stated.

The drug also decreases cell receivers and thus fewer viruses can enter the cells, however, other effects of the drug are still being studied, she added.


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